10/27 dinner with karate members 25

After the karate, I went to have a dinner with karate members.

Then I asked one question.

What is the meaning of the action that two fingers, which are first finger and middle finger, are crooked in front of sholders during conversation.

It is a little bit similar to pose which Japanese take when they are taken pictures.

It means ironing.

For example, you tasted very bad meal.

If you said "Hmm. It is really really good taste" with crooking your two fingers, it means this dish tastes bad. I mean it is ironing.

We talked one more thing.

It is the story of turtle and rabit.

It is a very famous story and everyone knows that.

Metaphor of this story is keep doing your effort every day even it is short time, and you will grow up and get closer and closer to achive your purpose absolutely.

Keep doing your effort steadily.

At the class, we discussed really difficult theme.

It is about a pregnancy, abortion and adoption.

I feel a little bit cultural difference because they are open to the idea of adoption.

On the other hand, it is not so open in Japan.

Sometimes the person who is adopted doesn't know he is adopted.

He will know when he get married because we confirm family registration.

Anyway, I'm not familiar with the theme, so I couldn't tell my opinion so much.

a word
martial arts

It means some fighting sports like karate, zyudo, tekondo something like that.

