12/13 facing wall 24.5

I'm facing the wall.

I don't feel that My English is improved, and what is more,

I feel my speaking is worse than before...

What is it?

I have to find the way to break this wall to improve my English more.

I don't know how to break it, but I just have only one choice.

I believe myself and keep trying how to study.

I hope this feeling would be just this moment and this problem

makes me grouw up more.

Of course, I hate spending hard time, whereas this time would

cause good effect on me. I believe myself.


I learned phrasal verb today, so I show you some phrasal verbs.

eat out
have meals at restaurant.

talk back to
answer rudely

show up

look up
search for something by using books or dictionary

drop by
suddenly come

run out of
nothing, empty

drop out of
quit because it is too difficult, I don't like it, etc...

run into
suddenly meet

cut down on
reduce, decrease

train 10 rides:$24.5
